Saturday, November 11, 2006

High Point

This is punta union pass at approximately 15,700ft (this is what my altimeter read). It took us about two hours to hike from 14k to the pass, an elevation gain of 1700ft. A relatively small amout of elevation to climb by North Cascades standards, but we were slowed by mild altitude sickness. We both had headaches and Michelle was suffering from a cold. Occasionally the clouds would part and we would be rewarded by tremedous views of large broken up glaciers. It would be fun to hike this in May or June when this area is dry and clear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've still been higher than this.

12:33 PM  
Blogger Geordie Romer said...

15,700 is that all you got? You can almost land that high in Bolivia. Ok, I'm kidding. I've done a lot of vomitting at that altitude so I can feel your pain.
Must be that huge pack filled with canned Mandarin oranges and last year's New Yorkers.

4:40 PM  

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