Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Vilcabamba´s Private Nature Reserve

Here are four photos from the botanically diverse and humouress "Rumi-Wilco Nature Preserve". A small private nature reserve full of typical plants of the southern highlands of Ecudaor. A two dollar admission fee got us in and advised us to contemplate our surrounding rather than just hike through them. Okay. In the above photo, is the flower of the Agua Catillo or cactus tree.
Me with a giant bean. I did not eat this.
A giant insect. This was near one of the signed "Contemplative Spots" right on the trail. A little too "new agey" for us and perhaps a poor spot to sit and be attacked by a giant insect.
A beautiful flower. I know being the son and grandson of two horticulturists, I should be able to write more than a beautiful flower, but that is the sad truth....


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